No more exhibitions! It drains the creative juices and distracts the flow. Since the joint show in November, with Tony Hull and Ken Orchard, it has taken me weeks and weeks, (well... there was Christmas in there) to get my head around taking up the brush and painting again. I have just completed projects for the Fine Art magazine, this year's submissions...title" How to Paint Gum Trees" in 5 parts, is finally complete and has been delivered to Express Publications at Silverwater. That was an enormous effort, requiring sitting at the computer for hours and hours and painting many step-by-step examples...gum trees, gum leaves, tree trunks, gum blossoms...whew, gum trees DONE!. I don't know how people work at computers all day!
Now the slate is clean and I can concentrate on what to enter for the NSW Government Plein Air Painting Prize 2015...entries due in March. Maybe two caravans...
"Stanwell Park,Trusty Van" |
maybe "Autumn Willow, Griffith", maybe "Mt Bobbara" . I am inclined to grab some larger boards and head out to a local there time to dry an oil before March? Best drying spot in the world is the back window of the gets SO hot in that beast! The problem at this time of year is the heat...I need a few cloudy days to be able to sit out in the open and paint.
"Autumn Willow, Griffith" |
"Mt Bobbara" |
A week or so ago I headed up to Appin to paint some nice sheds...being parked on the street and really not bothering anyone, I didn't expect to have any problems however they are a bit nervous about strangers in irate resident emerged with his whipper snipper and went up and down the footpath spraying the car with rocks and grass till I was forced to leave the scene of the crime, painting unfinished. They were good sheds too, I will return sir!
"Mittagong, Ready to Hit the Road" |